
  • IFRS's Foundation exec director on ISSB progress and future plans

    18 October 2022

    Lee White, executive director of the IFRS Foundation, provides update on ISSB's objectives, progress and plans for the future.

  • A pragmatic approach to getting started with the ESRS

    30 September 2022

    By Christoph Töpfer, policy and research officer at the German Environment Agency (UBA) and former member of the EFRAG Project Task Force. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • Large companies shouldn't burden SMEs and act as a catalyst for positive change across the value chain

    09 September 2022

    Letizia Macrì, VP at ESG European Institute, gives her view on the ESRS and why they will be a game changer for Europe

  • Emmanuel Faber's speech to the European Parliament

    02 September 2022
  • Andreas Barckow's speech to the European Parliament

    02 September 2022
  • ESG rating: what's the future?

    09 August 2022

    Letizia Macrì, VP at ESG European Institute, explores the path ahead for ESG ratings

  • FASB keeping an eye on climate issue as regulation bound to increase

    28 July 2022

    FASB chair Richard Jones discusses the US standard setter work on sustainability, and developments in the US more broadly

  • SMEs and their advisors are in no way placed to deliver on the CSRD/ESRS

    26 July 2022

    Salvador Marin and Paul Thompson, respectively president and director at EFAA for SMEs, as well as Luc Hendrickx, director at SMEunited, discuss the challenges SMEs face in complying with CSRD and ESRS

  • Tjeerd Krumpelman speech to the European Parliament

    13 July 2022

    Introductory remarks by Tjeerd Krumpelman to European Parliament hearing of candidates for the position of chair of EFRAG's Sustainability Reporting Board.

  • Dawn Slevin speech to the European Parliament

    13 July 2022

    Introductory remarks delivered by Dawn Slevin, managing director at ELS Europe, during the European Parliament audition of candidates for the position of chair of EFRAG's Sustainability Reporting Board.