Our experience and resources at your service
Communicating with customers is important for all businesses and this communication takes many forms whether advertising, dedicated web pages or in-depth research and white-papers. Field Gibson Media with its strong brands that communicate every day to your customers and potential customers is perfectly placed to assist. With experienced journalists and analysts, event and website production teams and marketing lists that are updated every day from new triallists do let us help.

Shared networking events
Cases: California Green Bonds and Green Bonds Asia

Dedicated sub-channels
Climate-KIC: Their mission and how we delivered it with a dedicated channel.

Third party research
Cases: Nature Conservancy, JPMorgan Asset Management and Moody's IFRS

Own research
Insurance Risk Data's peer-to-peer and investment reports

Content marketing
Services include market insights, webinars, roundtables

Strengths of using us
Our experienced team and resources at your service to help you succeed
Shared networking events

Green Bonds California 2019
John Chiang the then State Treasurer of California had heard about the reputation of Environmental Finance's Green Bond conferences and was keen to promote the use of green bonds in California. He approached Environmental Finance to organise a one-day event in 2018, which we also held in 2019. The one day event developed into a two-day event with the addition of a Financial Innovation Lab organised by the Milken Institute. Environmental Finance brought in sponsors and delegates for a successful event hosted at Milken's offices in Santa Monica.

Green Bonds Asia 2019
One of the most significant growth opportunities in the capital markets today is in green bonds. This opportunity is driven by demographic, economic, and climate changes that will require trillions of dollars of investment, and potentially provide investors with substantial returns. Issuance in Asia is dominated by China with over $100 billion of bonds issued in the country, since the inception of the green bond market. Hong Kong, is well placed to catalyse the funding of low-carbon investment and financing in the region.
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Creating Green Bond Markets
The IFC and GB-TAP approached Environmental Finance for the purpose of communicating knowledge of green, social and sustainable bond opportunities and disseminating their principles to a broad and targeted audience. We were pleased to develop a series of webinars together with a dedicated web page and in depth research that both promoted these webinars and other relevant content. The first webinar in the series was the largest we have held. The page will be updated regularly and marketing pointed to it.

Climate-KIC approached Environmental Finance to build cognizance of MissionFinance ahead of their 2018 Dublin conference with the desire to build awareness and attract delegates. Environmental Finance delivered this with the build of a dedicated channel on its website and curated content. The content was posted on a regular basis following discussion with Climate-KIC as to the message they wished to communicate. The content and page was promoted through a comprehensive marketing campaign to our proven database using the news alerts, social media and other means.
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Field Gibson Media through its brands Environmental Finance, Insurance Asset Risk and InsuranceERM has a reputation for quality content. It has extensive contacts and databases that are constantly being updated and staff experienced in the subject matter. FG Media is now leveraging this to assist clients with their own research producing independent white papers, research reports and guidance.
This research conducted over several months can be both qualitative and based on one-on-one interviews and quantitative based on surveys. The client benefits from well-researched reports to their own specification using our time and resources. In addition the client benefits post publication through distribution of the report on the brand's website together with editorial, webinars or a roundtable to give further profile.

Investing in Nature: Private Finance for Nature-based Resilience
Investing in Nature: Private Finance for Nature-based Resilience, a joint report from Environmental Finance and The Nature Conservancy. It features a global survey of institutional investors and market intermediaries about their current activities in natural capital, their ambitions for the future and the challenges they face in scaling up the flow of capital to nature-based projects.

Insurers' sustainable investment journey
A growing number of insurers are announcing in recent years new or upgraded sustainable investment strategies. This report looks at what lies under the bonnet of those announcements; what are the drivers behind insurers' sustainable strategies; where do they see opportunities and what are the hurdles to implement such strategies? Is it unanimously accepted across the firm or driven by a few?

A 360-Degree View of Implementation Challenge
IFRS 17, the insurance contracts accounting standard, will take effect on 1 January 2023. Between now and then, insurers face many challenges in interpreting the standard, and implementing appropriate financial data management and reporting processes.
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Green Bond Funds - Impact Reporting Practices 2020
Green Bond Funds - Impact Reporting Practices 2020 is a report from Environmental Finance, supported by GB-TAP.
It features surveys of green bond funds and investors, analysis of impact reporting practices, case studies from green bond funds, and an examination of the challenges of impact data collection and aggregation.
Insurance Risk Data and BondData
Field Gibson Media publishes two exceptional databases; Insurance Risk Data and BondData. Insurance Risk Data include financial, investment and regulatory data for over 3,000 insurers across UK, Europe and Bermuda. BondData tracks every green, social and sustainable bond issued enriched with key documentation and filtering. Green and sustainability linked loans have recently been added. Field Gibson Media generates research off these it sells both as market reports and specific peer-to-peer comparisons tailored for individual insurance companies.

Content marketing
Environmental Finance, Insurance Asset Risk and InsuranceERM are all news and analysis websites with readers visiting on a regular basis. A number of companies use the websites to directly market themselves through tailored content such as Market Insights, Webinars and Roundtables. The purpose of each content marketing piece is to promote your brand both softly through Market Insights and Spotlights and in the case of roundtables and webinars directly through the creation of leads. Field Gibson Media will handle all aspects of the marketing giving you time and efficiency savings. It's what we do.
Market insights | Webinars | Roundtables
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Experienced staff with skills across journalism, design, web, event production, logistics and marketing.

Brand. We can use our widely recognised, independent and quality brand to assist the collection of content.

Time. We take the time pressure off you.

Contact Databases. Proven and constantly being upgraded and updated though our subscriptions and event marketing.

Engaged readers. Our readers, your clients and potential clients choose to read us for quality and informative news and analysis. They are a ready audience.

Distribution channels. All our sites have permissioned access to contact readers. We can distribute your message through the websites themselves, daily and weekly alerts together with our active linked-in and twitter feeds.
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