Vincent Huck

Author's profile

Vincent Huck is an Editor for Insurance Asset Risk and Corporate Disclosures. 

Articles by Vincent Huck

  • Sustainability recruitment caught in a perfect storm

    02 February 2023

    With 50,000+ companies falling in the scope of CSRD, sustainability talent has never been in such high demand, a perfect storm for recruiters

  • UK FRC updates 2021 Statement of Intent on ESG

    30 January 2023
  • ESAs welcome ESRS but call on Commission for improvements

    27 January 2023

    The European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) have issued their respective opinion on the ESRS calling on the European Commission to make some amendments,...

  • European Supervisory Authorities issue their opinion on ESRS to Commission

    27 January 2023
  • Comment: Cover this "double" materiality which I may not behold

    24 January 2023

    Or salsa dancing with Sue Lloyd - part two

  • Largest French companies hope for EC adjustments to draft ESRS

    23 January 2023

    The French Association of Private Enterprises (AFEP) is hopeful it will make some adjustments to address legal issues and usefulness of the information

  • SMEs' sustainability reporting North Star - and another acronym!

    18 January 2023

    This year the ISSB and EFRAG are expected to work on standards for SMEs, in doing so they might want to look North

  • From financial to sustainability reporting: New topics, old challenges for SMEs

    17 January 2023

    Ray Chamboko, director of W. Consulting and a former member of SME Implementation Group at the IFRS Foundation, analyses reporting challenges for SMEs across financial and sustainability issues. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • IFRS Foundation and China sign MoU for ISSB office in Beijing

    30 December 2022
  • Comment: I'm no partisan, but memory is important when looking at EFRAG and ISSB

    29 December 2022