Sam Groves

Articles by Sam Groves

  • IBM builds CSRD reporting into ESG data platform

    02 May 2024
  • Talanx releases 2023 sustainability report

    02 May 2024
  • PepsiCo rejects nature risk reporting proposal

    02 May 2024

    Despite wave of support from institutional investors

  • GRI to help develop Swiss SME sustainability reporting framework

    01 May 2024
  • IPSASB issues updates to standards

    01 May 2024
  • GAP releases 2023 ESG report

    01 May 2024
  • Anthesis guide on ESRS

    01 May 2024
  • Collaboration the key to unlocking CSDDD

    01 May 2024

    Engaging with stakeholders, peers and government the only way to successfully implement due diligence law, say business leaders

  • EFRAG and ISSB to hold joint event on interoperability

    30 April 2024
  • Companies urge California to fund implementation of climate disclosure legislation

    30 April 2024