Sam Groves

Articles by Sam Groves

  • KPMG Germany CSRD guide

    18 November 2022
  • KPMG summary of UK Transition Plan Taskforce's latest publications

    18 November 2022
  • Workiva guide on ESG reporting software

    18 November 2022
  • IFAC and ACCA publish guide on professionalising public sector finance

    18 November 2022
  • EFRAG starts work on voluntary SME standard

    18 November 2022

    Proposals for voluntary sustainability standards for European unlisted SMEs have been presented to the Technical Expert Group

  • Aon climate disclosure guide

    17 November 2022
  • ICAEW finds UK companies' financial statements mentioning climate double in a year

    17 November 2022
  • G&A Institute study finds record high ESG reporting by US public companies

    17 November 2022
  • IFAC elects new president and vice president

    17 November 2022
  • PwC guide on ESG data

    17 November 2022