Sam Groves

Articles by Sam Groves

  • EFRAG SR TEG divided over listed SME standards

    07 December 2022

    Definition of proportionality and quantitative vs qualitative disclosures debated by members

  • One in three UK financial advisers confused by ESG regulation

    06 December 2022
  • UK FRC publishes audit quality indicators

    06 December 2022
  • One in three Spanish companies don't report emissions

    06 December 2022
  • ACCA webinar on financial disclosure requirements

    06 December 2022
  • ICAS takeaways from ISAR conference

    06 December 2022
  • ISSB and IFRS staff not aligned on role of sustainability taxonomy to achieve interoperability

    06 December 2022

    IFRS Taxonomy Consultative Group supports the board's view that it plays a key role

  • McMillan LLP guide on factual, balanced ESG reporting

    06 December 2022
  • ACCA releases green budgeting toolkit for public sector

    05 December 2022
  • PwC guide on non-financial reporting compliance

    05 December 2022