
  • Australian business and investor groups call for mandatory climate disclosures

    22 April 2024
  • Demand growing for UK due diligence law

    19 April 2024

    Investors, corporates and public show support for legislation to require companies to address negative environmental and human rights impacts

  • ExxonMobil bites back at disclosure resolutions

    17 April 2024

    And rails against shareholder advocacy groups in proxy memo

  • UNEP FI maps CSRD and Principles for Responsible Banking requirements

    15 April 2024
  • Unravelling influence: Proxy votes on political spending disclosures

    10 April 2024

    Shareholder resolutions request more disclosures on companies' lobbying activities and political donations

  • Democrats urge US government to issue Federal contractor climate disclosure rule

    09 April 2024
  • Monetising impacts, a useful but inexact science

    04 April 2024

    The benefits and challenges of converting outward impacts into financial value

  • IESBA slicing the elephant to move one piece at a time

    03 April 2024

    Gabriela Figueiredo Dias, Chair of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA), discusses the standard setter's work on ethics standards for sustainability reporting and assurance, and its strategic vision to become a profession agnostic ethics standard setter.

  • IFRS issues 2024 Accounting Taxonomy

    28 March 2024
  • Interview with IPSASB chair

    28 March 2024

    Ian Carruthers, chair of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board, discusses the standards setter's efforts with sustainability disclosures