
  • IAASA publishes work plan for next two years

    25 November 2022
  • Swiss Federal Council adopts mandatory climate disclosures

    23 November 2022
  • Deloitte sanctioned for audit breach

    22 November 2022
  • IFAC presents global leadership awards

    21 November 2022
  • Stakeholders want more measures than financial performance

    21 November 2022
  • EFRAG starts work on voluntary SME standard

    18 November 2022

    Proposals for voluntary sustainability standards for European unlisted SMEs have been presented to the Technical Expert Group

  • Proposed changes to IFRS Accounting Taxonomy

    16 November 2022
  • IFRS sustainability disclosure taxonomy key for interoperability

    16 November 2022

    Sue Lloyd highlights the importance of the digital taxonomy for ensuring interoperability between ISSB and EU standards

  • Proposed update on IFRS Accounting Taxonomy

    15 November 2022
  • AASB appoints three new members

    15 November 2022