
  • FASB and ASBJ hold biannual meeting

    20 April 2023
  • Translation highlighted as a concern in ISSB capacity building efforts

    19 April 2023

    Short turnaround, the lack of guidance and official translations identified as problematic for jurisdictional adoption at the Sustainability Standards Advisory Forum

  • ISSB approves Request for Information on agenda priorities

    19 April 2023

    With a 120 day comment period

  • Kris Peach appointed IFR4NPO steering group chair

    19 April 2023
  • UKEB and AcSB hold bilateral meeting

    19 April 2023
  • CIPFA webinar on public sector sustainability reporting

    17 April 2023
  • FASB appoints three new members to Investor Advisory Committee

    17 April 2023
  • IFRS reappoints four members to Interpretations Committee

    14 April 2023
  • MassBio: ESG reporting guide for Biotech companies

    14 April 2023
  • Chartered Accountants Ireland guide on amendments to FRS 12

    12 April 2023