
  • PRI announces support for ISSB standards

    10 January 2023
  • IFRS Foundation and China sign MoU for ISSB office in Beijing

    30 December 2022
  • Comment: I'm no partisan, but memory is important when looking at EFRAG and ISSB

    29 December 2022
  • IFRS announces Sustainability Standards Advisory Forum members

    22 December 2022
  • Financed emissions required in ISSB climate standard

    20 December 2022

    But facilitated emissions not required of investment banks

  • ISSB vote to remove emissions intensity from climate standard

    15 December 2022

    And vote to confirm Greenhouse gases do not need to be disaggregated

  • ISSB votes in favour of relief package for Scope 3 disclosures

    15 December 2022

    And agrees on a framework for how an entity measures its Scope 3 GHG emissions

  • ISSB agrees on four research projects to include in RFI on future work plan

    15 December 2022

    While asking IFRS staff to expand the description and breadth and at the same time be more specific

  • Nature in ISSB standard

    14 December 2022

    Enhancement of climate standard to include nature-related issues announced at COP 15 biodiversity conference

  • ISSB votes on fundamental concepts: value and sustainability

    14 December 2022

    Agreeing on sustainability description and that a company's ability to deliver value is inextricably linked to other stakeholders, society and the natural environment