
  • Investors worry of waves of modified sustainability assurance opinions

    24 July 2024
  • EPP considers "halting" CSRD and CSDDD as part of next EU Commission workplan

    03 July 2024

    Draft document for next legislature reveals

  • Schneider Electric guide on California SB 261

    22 May 2024
  • Enbridge releases 2023 sustainability report

    10 May 2024
  • Weeding out pesticide usage - through disclosure resolutions

    02 May 2024

    Investor advocacy groups urge companies to measure and disclose the risks of their pesticide usage and the benefits of regenerative agriculture

  • Schneider Electric: Navigating US climate disclosure rule

    25 April 2024
  • Demand growing for UK due diligence law

    19 April 2024

    Investors, corporates and public show support for legislation to require companies to address negative environmental and human rights impacts

  • US Senators move to strike down SEC climate disclosure rule

    18 April 2024

    Congressional Review Act resolution tabled in the Senate

  • Apiday guide on ISSB standards

    13 March 2024
  • Woodside Energy releases 2023 climate transition plan

    27 February 2024