
  • Climate protest against BoA derails ISSB conference

    26 February 2024

    And highlights breath of the challenge for ISSB to bridge the disconnect between corporate world and climate campaigners

  • IFRS symposium: ISSB puts water in its wine

    26 February 2024

    As 'voluntary market adoption' takes centre stage in the face of the risk of fragmented mandatory adoption

  • Commission's ESRS adjustments fail to appease corporates

    12 July 2023

    Companies praise European Commission for trimming down the standards but hold reservations over the reporting burden, the timeframe and the materiality assessment

  • Proposals for transition plan disclosures voted down at US banks' AGMs

    03 May 2023

    Shareholders at Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs voted against resolutions to disclose their plans for achieving net zero emissions targets

  • Bank of America: Cash versus accrual-basis accounting

    08 February 2023