
  • CSRD, a compliance exercise as much as companies want it to be

    16 May 2024
  • Home Depot confronts Domini's TNFD-related shareholder proposal labelling it as 'unnecessary'

    25 April 2024

    Domini Impact Investments calls on the world's largest home improvement retailer - with more than 2,300 stores in the US, Canada and Mexico - to use the TNFD's risk management and disclosure framework to fully assess its exposure to nature-related issues

  • Ropes & Gray: Highlights from EFRAG's value chain guidance

    04 January 2024
  • Inside Puma's sustainability reporting revamp

    05 September 2023

    Stefan Seidel, head of corporate sustainability, outlines how the company is updating its materiality assessment and value chain reporting in preparation for CSRD/ESRS

  • Puma's time trial on supply chain data

    22 August 2023

    Sportswear giant is condensing its value chain sustainability reporting process into a year to prepare for ESRS reporting in 2025