
  • SMSG advises ESMA on EFRAG's ESRS consultation

    12 July 2022
  • A4S releases series of briefings on sustainability reporting

    05 July 2022
  • UKEB seek comment on IASB's narrow-scope amendments to IASs

    05 July 2022
  • Survey finds lack of trust in ESG reporting

    04 July 2022
  • Business groups call for global consistency in corporate sustainability reporting

    31 May 2022
  • Insurers outline key messages on CSRD in view of trialogue discussions

    31 May 2022
  • Integrating the impact pillar in companies' reporting

    19 May 2022

    Peter Paul van de Wijs, chief external affairs officer at the GRI, discusses the voluntary standard setter place in the emerging mandatory reporting landscape. Interview by Vincent Huck

  • ISSB establishes working group to enhance compatibility between global baseline and jurisdictional initiatives

    15 May 2022
  • EFRAG's Recommendations and Feedback Statement on Accounting for Crypto-Assets (Liabilities)

    15 May 2022
  • EFRAG's Feedback Statement on the IASB Exposure Draft ED/2021/9 Non-current Liabilities with Covenants

    15 May 2022