
  • The NZAOA will become obsolete in four to five years, Allianz's Thallinger says

    22 September 2022

    Thanks to standardized sustainability reporting, he believes

  • "The ISSB is a flash in the pan to prolong business as usual," Mirova CEO laments

    22 July 2022

    Philippe Zaouati regrets the ISSB chair may be a 'spoil of war' by the proponents of business as usual

  • TCFD guide for Malaysian financial institution published

    01 July 2022
  • Investor engagement campaign targets 1400 companies on climate disclosures

    29 June 2022
  • Sustainability joins up accountants' societal imperative and commercial incentives

    27 June 2022
  • Financial and ESG performance - benefits of worlds colliding

    19 May 2022

    In the past business owners segmented financial and accounting reporting to shareholders from telling anyone else interested about ESG 'performance'. Not any more, finds David Walker

  • From global to local reporting

    19 May 2022

    Asian companies may still 'dance to their own tune', including when reporting non-financial performance, as national rules often account for local nuances.

  • SEC proposes rules for climate-related disclosures

    15 May 2022
  • New resource links the GRI Standards to SEBI's BRSR disclosure format

    15 May 2022
  • From Motherhood and Apple Pie... the seasons they are a - changing

    15 May 2022

    Bernard Peter Agulhas, the former audit regulator and chairman of the King Committee Subcommittee on Climate Change in South Africa, reflects on the auditability of the nascent sustainability standards, as without assurance those standards risk far more manipulation then their conventional financial counterparts