
  • Mandatory reporting amongst new measures for UK water companies

    05 September 2024

    As government seeks to clamp down on pollution through legislation

  • California to require transparency on social compliance audits

    04 September 2024

    Legislation passes both houses, and awaits signature from State Governor Gavin Newsom

  • Chilean regulator proposes 2026 ISSB adoption

    29 August 2024

    After gap analysis of current requirement, and praise of SASB standards

  • US Treasury issues twin transparency rules to curb money laundering

    29 August 2024

    Reporting requirements introduced for residential real estate and financial investment advisory sectors

  • Preparing for the second phase of New Zealand's climate disclosure requirements

    22 August 2024

    A review of the first NZ CS-compliant reports, as transitional reliefs are removed for the next reporting period

  • California to delay climate disclosure implementation by six months

    19 August 2024

    Under Senator Scott Wiener proposal

  • Nature Benchmark shows companies lagging on biodiversity disclosures

    16 August 2024

    Assessment from the World Benchmarking Alliance finds poor performance on companies' disclosures of nature-related impacts and dependencies, and highlights lack of ESRS readiness amongst EU companies

  • 'Room for improvement' on transition plan disclosures amongst UK companies

    14 August 2024

    Deloitte survey of FTSE 100 listed companies finds

  • Shifting the needle on circularity strategy, from packaging to infrastructure

    14 August 2024

    As You Sow's 2024 strategy for improving companies' recycling policies

  • Swiss parliament considers introducing 'Sustainable Enterprise' legal status for SMEs

    13 August 2024

    Recognition would require GRI- or ESRS- 'like' reporting